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Welcome, Campers!

Hwy 71 Logo.png

Located between Bastrop and Austin, Texas 78617
Contact Us:

Daily, weekly and monthly rates available!
Physical Address: 5302 Hwy 71 East, Del Valle, Texas 78617
Mailing Address: 1302 Waugh Drive, 902, Houston, Texas 77019

Purple Sticker

Renovated RV slips, secondary laundry room, additional security measures, and strict rule enforcement.

Entering credit card details

Pay via Square with your credit/debit card or checking account for an easy, convenient and secure transaction.

Talking on the Phone

Call us daily from 8am to 6pm CT to book your spot at Garfield RV Park. If we are on the other line, leave us a voicemail or shoot us a text.

Explore Bastrop and Austin, Texas

Image by Visual Karsa

Fast Food
3 minute drive towards Bastrop

Home Improvement

Home Depot and Lowes
14 minute drive towards Bastrop

Image by Marques Thomas

14 minute drive towards both, Austin and Bastrop

Kid Grocery Shopping

17 minute drive towards Bastrop

Gasoline Pumps

Next door

Car Repair

Auto Zone
16 minute drive towards Bastrop

Image by Mitchell Kmetz

Downtown Austin
23 minute drive


Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa
13 minute drive towards Bastrop


Downtown Bastrop 
18 minute drive


Austin International Airport
10 minute drive towards Austin



Telsa Giga Factory
12 minute drive towards Austin


Circuit of Americas
10 minute drive south

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